Walking Lifeline Territory with Nathan Hugh-O’Donnell
Posted by Kaethe Burt O'Dea on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 · Leave a Comment

In May, writer Nathan O’Donnell and desireland director Kaethe Burt-O’Dea took a walk through Lifeline territory. Beginning at Broombridge train station and following the route of the Midland Great Western Railway line most of the way to Broadstone Station, they discussed the Lifeline, its origins, its aims, and the plans for its future.
The Lifeline is a large-scale project-based initiative which aims to overhaul the urban ecology of the Northwest Inner City of Dublin over the next ten years, providing new educational, healthcare, training and employment opportunities for residents and reinvigorating the profile of the area through a series of ecological projects which will make imaginative use of currently wasted resources.
Click on this image to read Nathan’s article about walking the ‘line’ which was published in the inaugural issue of We Are Dublin, a new quarterly of long-form writing and photography.