SPUDS presents: Potato days – March 2013

We will be joining Dermot Carey and David Langford of the Lissadell/Langford Potato Collection at two events in March to present the preliminary results from SPUDS 2012 research and discuss the issues that effect the sustainability of potato production in Ireland:

Sunday March 10th: The Organic Centre, Rosinver, Co Leitrim, 11 am – 5 pm

Saturday March 23rd: Sonairte Ecology Centre, Ballbriggan, Co Dublin

Aoife Cox of the Daily Spud elaborated on these events in a recent ‘Spud Sunday’ Post:

Spud Sunday: Potato Days Are Here Again

“The Organic Centre in Leitrim will, of course, be holding their annual potato shindig on Sunday March 10th, which, this year, incorporates their Spring into the Garden event, with advice on seeds, sowing and soil preparation, along with demonstrations, talks and not a few spuds (and, yes, I went last year, the year before, the year before that and, well, the year before that too). News has also reached my ears that Saturday March 23rd will see the return of potato day to Sonairte, the National Ecology Centre in Co. Meath, who held their first such event in 2011. If you have even half a mind to plant some potatoes this year (and sure why wouldn’t you?) then either, or both, of these events will be well worth getting along to.”

2 Comments on “SPUDS presents: Potato days – March 2013

  1. My name is Eileen Delany. I am doing a back to Education Course in Ringsend College Dublin 4. from September 2012 to May 2013. as Part of my Course I have to do a project. I picked The Humple Spud. I would like to know more about the Irish Potatoes. How did the Potato get its name.????. what year did the Potato come in Ireland,???.

    I look forward to hear from you on all of the above.

    Eileen Delany.

    • Good to hear from you Eileen, Here’s wishing you all the best with your back to education course!

      The SPUDS project conducts community based research, using the potato to study the sustainability of the Irish Food system. As a piece of community based research, we learn from ‘citizen scientists’ like you! I imagine that learning how to search for information is one of the requirements of your course and the internet is a powerful tool for this purpose. You might like to start with this useful history of the potato uploaded by Bord Bia at: http://www.potato.ie/history/ and the infographic on the nutritive value of the potato produced by Go Ireland: http://www.goireland.com/craic/potato-nutritional-facts.htm. SPUDS would be delighted to create post about your research on our website so please get back to us so that we can learn from your findings.

      Looking forward to your report!

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