Crisps with a Conscience? Arthur Guinness Projects

We think we’re on to something. Can our SPUDS ‘Crisps with a Conscience’ be the first snack to use their scientific edge to become a sought after brand?
We’re not the only ones who think so! Thanks to a generous donation we have planted a ton of blight resistant spuds, enough to produce 150,000 packets of crisps if we get lucky! Funding would support our ambition to set up a local crisp making collective, co-create future editions with the public and make each batch a unique mish-mash of science based FUN. No ordinary snack pack, we are scheming to create an interactive educational experience, stuffed to the gills with spud related art, stories, music, recipes and competitions to fuel future SPUDS innovation.
As we have mentioned, this year Guinness has launched a new philanthropic endeavor which will take a project based approach to funding over the next 3 years. They have asked members of the public to submit ideas online and invite friends & fans to vote for projects, X Factor style.
SPUDS is one of two projects we have entered into the fray. Please follow this link to the SPUDS Crisps with a Conscience Arthur Guinness Projects proposal. If you like what we are up to register and VOTE today…and vote tomorrow…and the next day….
You can vote every day until August 23rd for as many projects as you like! And so, if you find it hard to decide which of our projects you like best you can vote for BOTH SPUDS Crisps with a Conscience AND the LIFELINE PROJECT + SOAP!
With a little help from our friends….this just might be a WIN WIN situation!