Bí Spoke a Monthly Market at Bí URBAN- Next Market October 21st

Bí URBANS monthly Saturday market series. An exciting selection of creatives join us one Saturday a month to display their wares with surprise appearances evey month!
Past participants include:
Gregory’s Miscellaneous Memorabilia -where you can browse though stoneybatter resident Gregs Vintage toys and collectors pieces. Gregs latest book ‘HERE’ is also for sale instore http://www.stoneybutter.com/about/
The Late Phillip Chevrons collection of records Sheet music and theatre postcards , the profits of which will support Bí URBAN and the Phillip Chevron memorial
Sunday Books – Browse through their curated collection of graphic books and magazines http://www.sundaybooks.ie/about
Vertigo Vintage -finest vintage clothing and accessories at great prices. Quality, authentic,classic pieces to suit gals of all ages! http://www.vertigogovintage.com/
Antonia Kenny – CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) is Antonia Kenny’s Final Year Photography project for DIT School of Visual Communications. Signed Prints and Art work on display
Bring Your Own
Market Stall. Bring your own jars, bags or containers. Fill up on packaging free wholesome organic dry goods!