SPUDS 2013 – We need your data!

As most of you know, SPUDS, the sustainable potatoes united development study, was launched in 2012. This community based action research project gave away naturally blight resistant potato seed to growers in every county of the republic to grow in exchange for reporting on their experience. Our primary areas of interest were:

What variety did you plant?
Did they get blight?
How did they taste?
Would you grow them again?

Some people believe that 2012 was be the worst year for potato blight since the famine. Despite this preliminary results from the growers who have responded so far are very exciting. We are anxious to pull in data from as many of the people who cultivated naturally blight resistant potato varieties in Ireland last summer as possible. It is not necessary for participants to have grown the Sarpo varieties that we gave away.  We are interested in information on all naturally resistant potato varieties.

We would be very grateful if you would help us make our findings as robust as possible by encouraging anyone you know who grew blight resistant varieties in 2012  to contribute to the final analysis by filling in our research form. This can be done one of the following ways:

1. Online on the SPUDS research form on Survey Monkey

2. Download the SPUDS Research form fill it in and post it back to us.

3. Text 087 2444185 with your name and address and request for a form and we will post a hard copy out to you.

We greatly appreciate your help spreading the word!

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