Sitric Picnic
In 2005 The Sitric Compost Community Garden proposed using local demonstrations, community based research and street parties to promote urban composting and won a conservation award from Vodaphone and Irish Conservation Volunteers. The poster for the first Sitric Picnic harvest festival that October displayed the exotic selection of home grown organic vegetables we cultivated on our own kitchen waste that first year. A far more important aspect of the harvest was the goodwill and community cohesion this simple exercise had generated amongst residents of every age and description.
Since then the annual Sitric Picnic has become a renowned Stoneybatter event attracting hundreds of local residents, their families and friends to this small street in Stoneybatter.
Visit the Sitric Compost Garden Community page or join the Sitric Picnic Group on Facebook for updated information and to join the team for this year’s Sitric Picnic!