FROM SPACE – The Long Journey to Punk
This year is the 40th anniversary of PUNK
1977 was the year that the genre became a musical and cultural force of upheaval. The 40th anniversary has been widely covered by the UK press and media but little or nothing has happened in Ireland to celebrate or discuss this significant period in the history of music.
1977 also marks the 40th anniversary of the release of TV Tube Heart, the debut album of the Radiators From Space, Ireland’s first Punk band. In that light we have invited Bí URBAN Art Director Steve Rapid and fellow founding member of the Radiators, Pete Holidai, to discuss their rocky road to punk with Karl Tsigdinos on April 26th in Bí URBAN. This will be a night to remember!
Seating is limited to 40 so booking is advised Tickets €10 Available here
or from the venue Bí URBAN 3 Manor Street Stoneybatter Dublin D07 0X54 01 442 0357 Open Tues - Sat 12 - 6pm Listen to the RADIATORS online here the-radiators-from-space/ id202065726 After Phil Chevron's death Steve Rapid and Pete Holidai reformed as the TROUBLE PILGRIMS with Tony St Ledger on rythmn guitar and and Johnny Bonnie on Drums. TheTroublePilgrims/