The Lifeline is a large-scale project-focused initiative which aims to stimulate the development of a new city quarter devoted to urban ecology, sustainable design & planning, and enhanced levels of health & well-being in Dublin’s Northwest Inner City. Over the next ten years, The Lifeline will provide new educational, healthcare, training and employment opportunities for residents and reinvigorate the profile of Dublin 7 through a series of ecological projects which will make imaginative use of currently wasted resources.
Bí (to be), is active wing of the Lifeline, which is working to transform Dublin’s Northwest Inner City into an outdoor classroom, attracting pollinators into the city, encouraging citizens to connect with and learn from nature in an urban context and delivering events that demonstrate the importance of connecting nature, people and place to increase levels of health and well-being in urban communities.
To find out more about the Lifeline and Bí activity visit our studio Bí URBAN – 3 Manor Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin D07 X054, visit Bí URBAN on Facebook and join our mailing list using the desireland Contact form.